Saturday, August 29, 2015

Kindling a Passion...Sustainable Agriculture

We had an amazing group this past weekend for the Farming God’s Way training. We had a total of 9 (2 not pictured) in attendance. Representatives for Haiti, Costa Rica, Africa and America just within this small group pictured above. Everyone was thankful for the opportunity to attend the training stating that the training was inspirational and has kindled a passion for farming that is restorative in more ways than one. We’re looking forward to seeing God’s future plan for those that attended and the lives that will be forever changed as they equip others with this amazing gift of hope.
We made a field trip out to Lynn and Carmen’s FGW garden, and seeing is believing as they say. One of the students made the comment upon arrival, “Wow, I’m so amazed that you still have green beans and that they are still producing. Mine have died out long ago.” His ways are truly much higher than ours. What a blessing it was to be able to visit with Lynn and Carmen. It’s always encouraging to see people being doers of the Word and not just hearers only.
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Monday, August 10, 2015

Farming God's Way Thriving in the USA

Farming God’s Way in the USA

Lynn and Carmen attended one of our trainings last year and made the decision to implement Farming God’s Way in their home garden. Lynn immediately went home after the class and started covering the garden area with leaves and grass clippings to start building up his mulch cover…aka God’s blanket.

I (Josh) was invited to help them on planting day and was amazed at the cover already established on their garden. It literally took us five minutes to weed the entire garden. Lynn informed me that in the past you could not even tell the garden area from the rest of the yard due to all the weeds. Being the case on planting day, he would normally till up the entire area because of all the weeds, then start planting. This year he immediately started planting without the labor involved with tilling. While checking the soil moisture content, I noticed that the soil was still moist 6+ inches deep and it had not rained in almost a week and a half. Click here to see the video clip. We have a feeling their tiller is going to start collecting a lot of dust from here on out.
They have been thrilled with the harvest results and minimal labor that’s now involved in preparation and maintenance. We love going to visit with them. Not only does it excite us to see how God has blessed them for their faithfulness, but they bless us with lots veggies from their abundant harvest as well.
Lynn recently sent the below picture of their tomato plants stating, “What I don’t like about Farming God’s Way…tomatoes are too short.” Good one Lynn!

Want to schedule a training?
Please contact us personally if you have any further questions, or if you would like to plan a training for your church, community, or gardening/farm group. We look forward to hearing from you!